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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

It wasn't much of a party around here on New Year's! Carlos worked and couldn't get home in time to ring in the new year with us. As much as I wanted to go over to a friend's house that was throwing a party, I just couldn't wrap my brain around changing out of my yoga pants or leaving the kids at home. I kind of made it til midnight after a little nap in my chair earlier in the evening.

Someone didn't make it til midnight like he had hoped!

Best big sister on earth carried him to bed.

I feel pretty good about my running start to 2017. I got to join my friend Jacki who is just an amazing runner and person as she qualified for Boston pushing a stroller. I ran the last leg of 8 miles with her and it was ridiculously HOT. It felt like 80s but the official temp was 76. It was amazing to be out there with her because she is just one of those runners that is always helping others. She has helped me on so many runs, particularly tempos. Yesterday, she pushed Katie, a grown woman as part of Ainsley's Angels for a BQ of 3:28. I really have to give my friend, Ryan kudos for such a great job that he did organizing our crew. She definitely needed more water than was available on the course and Lee and him drove the car to each available spot to provide more water. It was pretty awesome to be there and see her perseverance and determination to accomplish this.

Lee going out for 10 miles with Jacki, the second leg of our crew.

My afternoon kept getting better because Heather stopped by with Kara. The kids and I love getting to watch Kara grow up and it was really surreal to see how much she has changed in the last 4 weeks since her birthday. Heather and I got to go over lots of Disney details for next weekend over some coffee. I have an obsession over coffee mugs. During this training cycle for Disney, I have used my Minnie Mouse and my Boston mugs most mornings, so as stupid as it sounds, it was so fitting to share coffee over Minnie and Boston!

This also brings me to the New Year realizing how fortunate I am to be surrounded by such amazing people. I have really treasured how my friendship with Heather has grown this year through motherhood and our joy of running. And Jacki inspires me to be a better person and faster runner!

Random picture from this week at Disney! Couldn't help myself but Jacquelyn is sporting the zebra Minnie ears! Love my junior zebra girl! Love myself some time with the kiddos at Disney!

The next time I am at the Magic Kingdom, also known as the happiest place on earth, I will be running the Disney Marathon. Trying my best to keep my nerves in check this week! Keep telling myself that this is just my B race and Boston is the A race but we all know deep down I want to have an amazing race with a cool new PR. More on Disney later this week! In the meantime, I'm going to keep channeling Heather's favorite mottos of #likeaboss and #motherrunner! Countdown to Disney...T-minus 6 days to toe the line!

I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap!

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