Disney Marathon
I'm 50 percent on a runner's high from a new marathon PR and 50 percent thinking that was dumb because I'm hurting!

What a fun weekend with Heather! She gets me and I get her...just love that she loves running like me! Most people would call us crazy but we get each other's craZy!

I am so grateful to be able to run Disney! To come back from this torn meniscus and surgery is a really good feeling. To be able to come back and PR both the half marathon and marathon feels incredible! I'm so thankful and grateful for the gift to run!
I was really nervous deciding on what to wear and how I should run the race. Do I shoot for a PR or do I not push too hard and enjoy the day? I got a little advice from Bart Yasso!

This race felt very difficult with the logistics of parking, bathrooms and the very long walk to the corrals. Disney makes you walk so far to the starting corrals from the staging area. I stood in the corral for a total of 3 minutes before the gun and fireworks went off. Just enough time to find a few of my running buddies to pace with. What is up with Disney's lack of sub 4 hour pacers?

Pre race photo with Mike and Heather. We were bundled but these Floridians were still cold.
I've always wanted a cool temperature race but today was more than I ever wanted! My oldest son told me to be careful what I wished for. He said, "don't you remember the movie, Big?" Too fast of a temp drop for this Florida girl. And the wind was BRUTAL! I hit a headwind at mile 21 that slapped me in the face as I left ESPN's Wide World Sports! It was brutal and even worse because I had tossed my gloves at mile 18. By far the worst decision of the entire race was NOT taking off my long sleeve shirt at mile 2 but trashing my gloves at mile 18! My whole body became frozen and numb! I was running pretty solid until mile 21. At that point I was self talking and telling myself to stay between 7:20 and 7:30...don't blow it!

Afterwards Heather and I celebrated with some bubbly! So deserved! Heather is absolutely amazing as she knocked almost 5 full minutes off since running the Towpath Marathon in October. Who comes back to running after more than18 months off and runs a 3:27? Then 3 months later...runs a 3:22? She trains so smart and is a really strong runner. She will be back to crush her prebaby 3:13 PR! And I can't wait for the day when we train together to chase our dream PRs!
#celebrate that we #dowork #likeaboss

I'm linking up with Trish and Holly for the Weekly Wrap! Thanks ladies for always hosting!
And I'm linking with Katie!