Who isn't excited for weekends, especially a 3 day weekend? The doctor is actually off almost the entire weekend with the exception of working til 2 or 3 in the morning tonight. Does that even make sense? ER life isn't normal!

Heather and I got to run together on Monday. Praying that it was our last run for 12 weeks! With as much running as I do, I have tons of shoes everywhere! I throw my shoes in the car every evening for the next morning's run. I got to Heather's at 5am and had 2 left shoes! So annoying! I know I should just wear them out the door but it's one less thing I have to do and honestly 10 less minutes wearing them. Luckily I keep a spare pair in my trunk and was able to run but they were an old worn out pair of Newtons. My knee did not like them and I was so sore for about 3 days afterwards. My Nike Elites have extra forefoot cushioning and as much as I'd like to branch away from these Elites, it isn't happening anytime soon.
This week started off a little more exciting than expected. We were trying our best to not make a big deal out of Jacquelyn's race last weekend. Then she got nominated as one of the top 10 performances in Florida for high school cross country on FL Runners for her race last Friday night. Super proud of how strong she ran in her first high school xc race and for starting the season with a bang!

Back to the grind on Saturday with a long run in Lakeland at a cross country park and speedwork on Monday. The conditions for speedwork were not ideal!

On a different 3 boys fight over the one 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk I buy every week. The rest of the time, they have to drink the regular white milk. Usually one of them pours a HUGE glass and leaves his brothers almost nothing. I surprised them this week with their own jug!

Right before we left for practice last night, the sky fell! We adjusted the run to a one mile loop so we could stop if the weather got bad again. Luckily the weather improved and this beautiful rainbow appeared at the end of our run.

Have a great Labor Day! XoXo Jo