Post Irma and Running
I'm a native Floridian and I think that was the first time that I've prepped and panicked over a hurricane. Irma was a pain but let's be positive and look on the bright side! We learned how to put up our shutters. We spent lots of time with our little cousins. I can never get enough family time with my kiddos. We played lots of board games, sometimes we even played games by candle light! On top of it all, my refrigerator is spotless! And we got an unscheduled fall break!!! Thanks Irma!

Our cousin from Miami stayed with us for a few days. So happy to meet the newest cousin! Who wouldn’t want to spend some time cuddling on the couch with this cutie?

Before Irma arrived, we snuck out for a 30 minute run. It was just a recovery run for me and Jacquelyn. We ran 9 miles the day before with most paces between 7:15 and 7:20. We kept the miles easy with Joaquin. Just love how the 3 of us can share miles together.

It is amazing how you take the little things for granted. We were without power for 48 hours. It could have been worse and was so thankful to God for our family's safety and a roof over our heads. The grocery stores are still taking awhile to restock. We originally bought milk after the storm but then it took me about 4 days to find it again. If you knew how much milk the JCA children drank, you would know that this alone is a catastrophe. I went to the grocery store yesterday and had to change my dinner plans based on the availability of meat. Just makes you realize how spoiled we are as Americans.
Irma didn't keep Eagle Nation from training. They managed some treadmill miles together on Wednesday followed by core.

Still trying to see where I'm at with training and not really following a training plan. On Thursday I ran 8 miles. 1 up, 3X (1@MP, 1@HMP), 1 down I loved this workout!!! It really made the marathon miles seem easy and overall it wasn't very hard. A year ago I would have never used a treadmill but it really was nice to have it available. I slept in and still got a workout.

I also managed a run with Heather! Look at how that girl comes back after 2 straight weeks off, like a beast!!!

The high school cross country schedule was completely interrupted due to Irma and most meets in the state were cancelled. Most public schools were not allowed to compete due to the schools being closed. Since we are a private school team, we were allowed to compete. The girls had another fabulous race against some tough competition! We did a pretty hard workout on Tuesday before the race so their legs were still feeling that workout. 3 X 2K with 4 minute rest with 4 bridge passes during each 2K. I did them solid at 6:48 and descended to 6:41 and paced a pack of the girls. I must admit after doing that workout Tuesday morning that I felt like the legs were back.
Check out this sunrise Saturday morning at the race! This was a polo field at The Villages, a little city east of Ocala.

So proud of these two for running sub 19s! They are the best of friends and amazing training partners. I just hope they realize how fortunate that they are to have one another. The smile on their faces in this picture just fill my heart! If you could have seen them laughing and giggling with each other - priceless. #solesisters

Jacquelyn ran 18:35 and Lydia an 18:55. More fast times ahead for Eagle Nation! They are all so dedicated and working so hard. It is such a joy to run and work with them everyday! Gotta give Grace a shout out for her XC PR of 20:18!

Just in case you were wondering, here is a summary of my mileage for the week. I didn't quite keep track of my strength work due to being busy with hurricane stuff and my kids being home. If you know me, I still got it done!
Total miles for the week were 49.
I'll check back in soon. Keep running happy!